Our Values

Our Values express key convictions that we hope will shape, by God’s grace, the culture of Trinity Church of Loudoun.

Word Saturated

God speaks and gives life through His Word. That affects the way we will preach, giving ourselves to a regular diet of expositional preaching. Further, we will endeavor to be a church whose entire “life” is built around God’s Word.

Gospel centrality

The gospel is the great mystery that the Bible unfolds. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus – even more, the su­premacy of Jesus in all things – ought to pervade and shape every member & ministry of the church. We want to behold, protect, and give the gospel.

sacrificial community

God’s Word creates life in individuals, and then draws those individuals together into community. The power of the Gospel is put on display to the world when individuals lay aside preferences in order to show others, of diverse backgrounds, Christian love.

INtentionally local

The local church is God’s intended focal point for disci­pleship & mission in this world. Therefore – while maintain­ing meaningful partnerships with other local churches, net­works, and denominations – we will always strive to give priority to local church life, exercising meaningful member­ship, discipline, and participation in Christ’s ordinances.

Culture of humility

Jesus accomplished our salvation by humbling him­self, and God delights in demonstrating His power through weak vessels. Therefore, we will aim to build a culture which is marked by humility, and which values what God values, however counter-cultural.

Watchful shepherds

Anonymity is toxic to the Christian life, and God gives pastors to churches to shepherd the people. We will not neglect this sacred responsibility, but give ourselves to es­tablishing an ethos and patterns of presence, knowledge, and care.

renewal through multiplication

The New Testament pattern for gospel growth is through multiplication. Individually, that takes place through evangelism and discipleship. Corporately, that takes place through church planting and missions. Therefore, we will work hard to disciple, to raise up leaders, and endeavor to help plant new churches – giving special weight to our surrounding region.

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