Our Leadership


Elders are biblically qualified men who oversee the local church, particularly through teaching God's Word, praying, caring for and equipping church members for the work of ministry. We believe that the Bible uses the terms Elder and Pastor interchangeably.

Ephesians 4; 1 Timothy 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-9; 1 Peter 5:1-3


Matt Felton / Lead Pastor

Matt grew up in North Carolina, and after college (NCSU) and seminary (SEBTS) entered the world of pastoring. After a brief detour to complete a pastoral internship in Washington, D.C., Matt headed for Oklahoma City, where he spent the next 6.5 years at Henderson Hills Baptist Church as an Associate Preaching Pastor, while also overseeing the Pastoral Residency. Matt is married to Natalie and together have 4 daughters: Harper, Emersyn, Iris, and Ivy. Matt serves as the lead pastor and primary preacher at Trinity.

David Chung / associate pastor

David was born in Seoul, South Korea, and came to Southern California when he was two. He was raised by believing parents, and became a Christian as a teenager. After serving at church and campus ministry through college (UCLA), he then attended seminary at Gordon-Conwell outside of Boston, com­pleted an internship in Washington DC, and then worked under Matt at Henderson Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma as a Pastoral Resident. David’s responsibilities at Trinity include overseeing music, small groups, membership processes, as well as preaching on occasion.

Nick Jones / Associate Pastor

Nick grew up in Savannah, Georgia and after completing his undergrad at Liberty University he joined the pastoral staff at Mclean Bible Church in Northern VA. During his time at MBC Nick met his beautiful bride Julie and later helped to plant Grace Hill Church in Herndon VA in 2017. He completed his MABS at Dallas Theological Seminary in 2019. Nick and Julie have 3 kids; Levi, Remy, and Saija and love hanging out as a family, spending time outdoors and going on roadtrips. Nick’s pastoral responsibilities at Trinity include family ministries, outreach, deacons and operations.

Dan sutherland / lay Pastor

Dan grew up in Northern Maine, and his family lived all over the country, finally settling in this area while he was in college. He attended the University of Louisville and then the University of Virginia’s School of Law. Dan met his wife Elise at a local church, where they attended and served for over 30 years. They have been blessed with three sons, all of whom are walking with Christ. Dan and Elise hosted some of the first meetings of what would become Trinity Church of Loudoun in their home, and were thrilled to be among the group to covenant together to plant the church. Dan loves spending time with family, with his friends at Trinity, and watching Louisville Cardinals basketball games 365 days a year.

Rob watson / lay Pastor

Rob grew up in Rocky Mount, North Carolina and came to know Christ through the faithful gospel witness of his family and their local church. After graduating from college at N.C. State University, he worked in Raleigh until moving to the Washington D.C. area in 2014. Rob currently works in the technology industry in Ashburn, where he moved in 2018 along with his family to help plant Trinity. Rob is married to Caroline and together have 3 daughters: Emmaline, Holland, and Sloane. Rob loves spending time with family, with his friends at Trinity, and enjoying time outdoors in beautiful Northern VA.

Larry Barnes / lay Pastor

Larry was born and spent his early years in Missouri. He met and married Jane while at Pensacola Junior College, and celebrated 50 years in March 2021. After university in Pensacola (UWF) and seminary in Memphis (MABTS), Larry spent 28 years pastoring, primarily in Florida and Arkansas. He then served for 18 years as a Director of Associational Missions in Alabama. Upon retirement in 2016, Larry served for 20 months as the Interim Executive Director for the Bivocational and Small Church Leadership Network based in Nashville. Their son’s family lives in Arlington and their daughter’s family lives in Missouri. He enjoys reading, coffee, guitars, college sports and relating to his grandchildren.




Elise Sutherland / Church Administrator

Elise came to faith in Christ as a young adult through the ministry of a local church and her family. Over the last 35 years of walking with Christ she has learned to rely on the wisdom of the Bible for all areas of her life and the value of living out her faith in the context of the local church. She loves reading, cooking, and discussing theology with her three grown sons. Elise and her husband live in Aldie.


Deacons & deaconesses

Deacons are biblically qualified men or women who work to care for the church through acts of service.

1 Timothy 3:8-13; Acts 6:1-6


Ted Morris / Deacon of Finance

Ted has spent most of his life in Northern Virginia having lived here since graduating college. He placed his faith in Christ shortly after graduating college, is married to his wife Juliana, has three children and works in the accounting profession. He loves serving a church that is fully anchored on the Word of God where God’s grace and faithfulness to his people are on full display.


Matt Kutzler / Deacon of Trinity Kids

Matt grew up in eastern Pennsylvania and placed his faith in Christ through his family and the work of Cru at Penn State.  He moved to Northern Virginia in 2004 with his wife, Jess, to work as a structural engineer.  They have two children and joined Trinity in 2019.  Matt loves serving amongst all of the kids the Lord continues to bless Trinity with, and helping to raise the next generation of believers.


Klae Gilchrist / Deaconess of Trinity Kids

Klae was born Texan and raised Oklahoman. She placed her faith in Christ when she was 19 years old, and was greatly influenced by the faithful witness of her parents and her local church at the time. In 2016, she married Evan and they have two adorable girls, Ellington and Frances. She loves serving the local church because it’s her eternal family!


Jess Kutzler / Deaconess of Hospitality

Jess is from Northampton, PA, but has lived in Northern VA for almost half of her life with her husband, Matt, and two children. She loves serving the church through hospitality because of how it impacted her to be welcomed warmly at Trinity when she first visited. Jess desires to share that same blessing with everyone who walks through our doors!


Evan Gilchrist / Deacon of Ordinances

Evan grew up in Oklahoma, and became a believer at a young age due to the Spirit's working and the faithful witness of believing parents. He has seen God's faithfulness in the intervening years to continue to completion the work the Lord began in his life. Evan moved to northern Virginia with his wife, Klae, in 2018 to help plant Trinity, and they have since added two daughters to their family - Ellington and Frances. The Lord continues to grow Evan in his love for Christ's church, especially as he sees the amazing breadth and depth of gospel-centered relationships within a covenanted body of believers.


Andrew Hochkammer / Deacon of Technology

Andrew was raised in Winchester, VA and studied at Virginia Tech where he became a believer through a campus ministry. He moved to Northern Virginia to work as an ocean engineer when he got connected with Trinity in his search for a local church. He was attracted to the gospel centered body of believers who were quick to serve the church and each other wherever there was a need. Andrew has grown greatly in his knowledge of the Lord as well as all things related to sound/technology. Andrew, his wife Megan, and son August, are often referred to as "the Hokies" because of the difficulty of their last name and love of their alma mater!


Stephanie Banik / Deaconness of Women’s Discipleship

Stephanie was born and raised in Montana. She came to saving faith as a child, and God graciously provided many mentors throughout her life who helped her grow in love and knowledge of her Savior as well as how to study God's word and teach. She has been married to her best friend, Jeremy, for 20 years, and they have four children.  She loves serving the local church by teaching God's word, discipling women, and helping with music ministry. 


Aaron de Gastyne / Deacon of Youth

Aaron was raised in Southwestern VA, was brought up in a Christian family, and received Christ and was baptized at a young age. God began to stir a desire for ministry in Aaron’s heart during his high school years and after graduation he studied Youth Ministry while in college. After getting married and moving to Northern VA in 2020 the Lord blessed him and his wife, Cara, with their daughter, Millie. Aaron was struck by both the friendly welcome and the faithfulness to Scripture he saw at Trinity when looking for a new church, and God drew him and his family here. Aaron is passionate about ministering to middle and high school students and wants to help facilitate a ministry to students where they are seen, known, loved, and discipled to follow Christ whatever the cost. 


Caroline Watson / Deaconness of Bookstall

Originally from North Carolina, Caroline has lived in Northern VA with her husband and children for the past 9 years. An avid reader from a young age, her love for Biblically sound books grew as she earned her M.A. in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. She loves seeing the local church thrive in discipling one another through wonderful books that magnify God's grace in our lives.


Chris Lang / Deacon of Facilities

Christopher was born in the Netherlands but grew up in Northern Virginia for almost all of his life and returned to the area after graduating from the University of Virginia. He first became a believer through the faithful witness of his parents and saw great growth in his own faith and ecclesiology through mentorship and service in his church during his college years in Charlottesville. He was attracted to Trinity when he returned to the area by the theologically deep and faithful preaching, congregational worship, and intentional Christ-centered community at the church.  He has loved his time and service at Trinity and looks forward to the continued work Christ is doing amongst her members. 


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