
At Trinity Church of Loudoun we practice what is called “church membership.” The Bible teaches that being a part of a church is much more than simply attending a worship service — being a member of a church is a commitment to watch over and care for…

At Trinity Church of Loudoun we practice what is called “church membership.” The Bible teaches that being a part of a church is much more than simply attending a worship service — being a member of a church is a commitment to watch over and care for other members and be watched over and cared for by other members. This is expressed in our church covenant - which is a summary of the how the Bible instructs believers to care for one another.

Why become a member of a church?

1) For identification. The normal way Christians are addressed and identified in the New Testament is through the local church. Additionally, church discipline - the putting out of a Christian from a church body - requires a defined in. See Acts 15:41, Galatians 1:2, Matthew 18:15-20

2) For protection and assurance. When you join a local church, a body of Christians (along with their pastors) are signing up to help guard and affirm your faith before the world. See Galatians 1:6-9

3) For shepherding. Membership defines who pastors (=elders) are responsible to provide particular care towards. See Hebrews 13:17

4) For family. Membership establishes committed relationships that nurture spiritual growth. See Ephesians 4:25-32

5) For mutual edification. Membership provides the proper, consistent context to use your gifts to build others up, as well as to benefit from the gifts of others. See 1 Corinthians 12:14-27

For more information about church membership, click the links below:

Why Join a Church?

Does Membership Matter?


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